Long Distance Services - One Plus - PEC

Our Planet Earth service represents the culmination of several years effort by PEC (Planet Earth Communications), using technology originally conceived and developed by Cognigen Founder Kevin Anderson. This service is being offered especially for clients who are comfortable using the Internet to receive billing statements online, who have major credit (or debit) cards, and who would like to pay very low rates for long distance phone service.

This is NOT an IP telephony service, but traditional long distance 1+ service rivaling the quality of AT&T and, in our opinion, of better quality than service from Sprint. Our carrier offers an extensive worldwide fiber-optic network for calls originating in the 48 Continental US States.

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Online Call Detail Report Updated 4 Times A Day!
Information about your phone calls will be updated DAILY on a special password protected website. Upon a signup, you will be emailed your ID and password to view your calls online.

-4.3¢ per minute*

-Credit card billing

-Online Billing

If your monthly usage is less than $20, the $2 monthly fee will apply. If your monthly usage is over $20, the monthly fee will be waived. Federally mandated USF fee is 7.2805% per month for both Residential & Business customers. Maximum possible PICC is $4.31 per line (monthly).

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PEC is a Trademark of Planet Earth Communications
Service provided by Planet Earth Communications
© 2003 Cognigen Networks Inc.